Friday, December 12, 2008

1894. No Standards in the Matter

I just met and spoke briefly with
Two married men at a party.
One said when he met
His wife if just felt right.
Everything was easy.
It all fit together
Like puzzle pieces.
They had so much in common
From the very beginning.
It wasn't intrigue or tremendous
Chemistry but comfort
That was the major feeling.
Their lives fit together neatly.
The other boldly told me
His wife to be was engaged
To be married to someone else.
He and she both thought
It would just be a fling,
Not anything lasting.
Moreover, he and she,
His future bride to be,
Lived in foreign countries.
They had lots of chemistry.
They dated long distance
For years, and she kept him
A secret from her family.
Both these couples are now
Happily, faithfully married.
Is there any pattern here
From which anyone can learn?
Perhaps it's only that
Where love's concerned
There is no standard
Way of starting or meeting.


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