Sunday, November 2, 2008

1789. Another Worst First Date

He took me
To a restaurant
And proceeded
With a 90 minute
One-way interview:
Tell me how you
Moved from one
Field of study
To another
And then every job
You've held
Starting from age 12
To the present.
I kept trying in vain
To turn the tables
And create
A more two-way
At the end
He told me
His pre-rehearsed
15 minute
Personal pitch
Of how he came to be
So successfully
Where he is today.
A meat and potatos guy
He winced a little
As I happily devoured
All my vegetables.
By my doorway
As he kissed me goodnight
And I didn't invite
Him to come inside,
He looked a mix between
Confused and disappointed.
Had I mastered my wits
And been fully aware
Of my choices
I would have left
In the middle
Of the interview,, dinner.


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