Sunday, November 2, 2008

1788. Worst Date Ever

First, he was 30 minutes late.
Then, when he learned
I'm mostly vegetarian,
He proceeded to tell me
A story about his friends,
Who kill animals
For entertainment.
Upon hearing I'm a poet,
He laughed,
Making numerous
Inappropriate assumptions
About what he supposed
Were the hidden meanings
Behind my poetry.
After our lunch,
He looked and waited
To see if I'd reach
And offer to split the bill.
Offering me a ride
On his motorcycle,
He chided that I'd
Never be successful
In business
Until I learned to take
More risks.
This was after I told him
I'm a dancer and prefer
Safer modes
Of transportation.
He said he has a PhD
In psychology
But never wanted to practice
As a psychologist.
Maybe he needs more schooling
In how to be a decent, thinking
Human being.


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