Tuesday, June 17, 2008

865. Guys: Tell Us What Works for You

Guy readers,
Tell me
If this is true
For you.
Do you
Or don't you
Feel more
Interest in a
Who never
Calls or writes
To you
Because she
Is more of
A challenge.
What’s true?
What should we
Do or not do
To attract you?

Dating, San Francisco

1 comment:

h2o666 said...

Tell him what you need.
Tell him what you want.
Tell him what you can't do without.

Only be prepared for a dialogue of substance, not circumstance.

You KNOW what to listen for...

If he tells you how busy he's been or how crazy things have been he's either a frog or Mr. Booty Call.

If he tells you his overwhelming desire is not compatible with Mr Booty Call because you might be "all that" to him, and he can't bring himself to call because his train wreck on this thought bumped his head so hard that may as well bang his head on a sail boom as call... well then I say he might, on some long shot chance be a prince who needs his queen to coronate him. Only there cannot be more than on King. He might even settle for Mr Right Now, but I doubt this kind of guy would settle for Mr. List Member.

What do you have to lose?

Call him.
Whomever it may be.